FBBC branded suspension straps and elastic resistance gear for you.

Check out a super knowledge base of ideas, over 150 categorized videos on the Video Training page.

We are pleased to offer you and your trainers the APT Online education program on FBBC U. This program is free and accredited with 5 hours of CEUS from NASM, ACE, ACSM and CANFITPRO.


If you have not friended me yet on Facebook please do – Chris Severs, Long Beach, I’ll get you into the FBBC Anchor Point Training Group.

The recommended set up is; one of each band resistance, a pair of handles and a suspension strap, with this set up you will get the max from the APT program and operate up to three stations simultaneously.

If you have any questions about the gear or anchoring options feel free to reach out!
Email Chris Severs at [email protected] or by phone at 424-772-8672.


To receive the special FBBC price, use the coupon code listed for each offer at checkout.


Reg. $300 – FBBC price $255

Buy Now
No Coupon Code Needed!

APT Suspension Strap

(FBBC version is red & black with FBBC label)

Reg. $95 – FBBC price $80.75

Buy Now
use the coupon code FBBC15 at checkout


“Light” Band: Reg. $65 – FBBC price $55.25
“Heavy” Band: Reg. $75FBBC price $63.75

Buy Now
use the coupon code FBBC15 at checkout


(Long handle)

Reg. $55 – FBBC price $46.75

Buy Now
use the coupon code FBBC15 at checkout

APT Wall Anchor System

$100 per station, $85/station for 4 stations or more.


Cody Sipe, PhD

“The APT method is such an incredible approach to creating functionally-based exercise movements and the tools are far superior to others I have found in the industry today. We incorporate the APT methods into the Functional Aging Specialist certification program and encourage all of our trainers to learn how to use these tools with their mature clients. The Functional Aging Institute is proud to fully endorse Anchor Point Training.”


Mike Kersten

Fit Body Boot Camp Clovis, Ca

“Anchor Point Training has added tremendous value to my clients training and versatility for my trainers.

We use the APT system for our beginners as well as our high school rugby players and everyone in between.

Like I tell everyone, with APT you’re only one step away from your next workout.”


Craig Jackson

FBBC North Tuscon, AZ

“All my trainers have completed the APT overview. We love the variety and the breadth that the Anchor Point Training systems gave us. Our clients love the progressively challenging exercises!”



To receive the special FBBC price, use the coupon code listed for each offer at checkout.


Reg. $300 – FBBC price $255

Buy Now
No Coupon Code Needed!

APT Suspension Strap

(FBBC version is red & black with FBBC label)

Reg. $95 – FBBC price $80.75

Buy Now
use the coupon code FBBC15 at checkout


“Light” Band: Reg. $65 – FBBC price $55.25
“Heavy” Band: Reg. $75FBBC price $63.75

Buy Now
use the coupon code FBBC15 at checkout


(Long handle – FBBC Printed US or Canada)

Reg. $65 – FBBC price $55.25

Buy Now
use the coupon code FBBC15 at checkout

APT Wall Anchor System

$100 per station, $85/station for 4 stations or more.


Saul Carter

FBBC Manteca, Orange, Turklock, CA

“Chris, these bands are great, my clients are loving them!”


Bonnie Brantley Murphy

Be Well and Fit, FBBC Anchorage

“It was so great to have you here with us at Fit Body Boot Camp Anchorage. Your great coaching style and wonderful sense of humor made learning something totally new, a lot easier. We are excited to bring Anchor Point Training to our members. Thanks so much for your inspiring and educational workshop! Looking forward to applying some new exercises with our camps! Come back anytime!”


Shelley Lindgren Turk

Proactive Fitness, Saskatoon, Sask

“I have six Anchor Point Training Bands in my training studio and our trainers and clients all love them! Our clients range in age from 39 to 80 and we use the bands daily in a variety of ways that challenge folks at all different fitness levels. Anchor Point bands are longer with more gradual change in resistance, the large, moveable handles offer so much versatility, clients never get bored!”