Learn How to Manage Resistance using Any Anchored Tool by Mastering Three Essential Connections
WHEN DOES 1 + 1 + 1 = ∞ ?
APT is Scalable
Whether you train kids, teens, adults or seniors the APT method works with them all. It doesn’t matter if the individual is sedentary and out of shape or a casual exerciser or even an elite athlete because APT teaches you numerous ways to scale exercise movements (from a solid biomechanical perspective) to make the exercise more or less intense or to focus on a different aspect (balance, proprioception, core stability, power, etc.).
APT is Versatile
Whether you train clients indoors or outdoors; at home, in a studio or on the go APT works virtually anywhere. The approach and methods can be applied to all kinds of equipment options making it such a useful system to learn.
APT is Infinite
We’ve all heard the old adage “Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” This sums up the amazing possibilities that the APT method and tools brings. By understanding the 3 essential elements and the concepts in the APT system you will be able to create an endless variety of exercise movements that meet your clients and your goals.
The APT Course Will Teach You:
- How to apply the APT methodology to any anchored training tool including any brand of Resistance Bands, Suspension Straps, Rip Tools, Landmines, Battle Ropes, Sleds and Cables.
- How to create Serape Connections to Train Slings
- Ways to use Oscillating Elastic Resistance
- The science and application of Mastering Elastic Resistance
- Optimizing Suspension Strap Training
- A system to create resistance for Progressive Resisted Movement Patterns
The 3 Elements of Anchor Point Training
The Anchor Point – The Beginning of Possibilities
Wouldn’t you love to get out of the gym and train your clients on the beach or the park or in the woods? What about at home or in a hotel? The truth is that you can IF you understand how to use the anchors that exist all around you and you have the right types of tools. An anchor is simply a place to attach your resistance band or suspension straps. Cable machines, trees, doors, wall hooks….almost any solid, stable object can be an anchor. Whether overhead or underfoot or somewhere in between. Whether a single anchor point or two used simultaneously. APT will teach you how to anchor well for different equipment and different purposes so you can literally train anywhere at any time.
It’s All About the Connection
Let’s face it, most people just grip and go. They pay very little attention to how they connect with the resistance and yet this is an essential element that can offer tremendous benefits if approached with a little more thought and appreciation. The connection point can offer both specificity and versatility to a resisted movement pattern. Whether we use bars, handles, belts, harnesses or straps matters. Whether we use double grip, single grip or prehensile grip patterns matters. These choices determine the types of specific adaptations that occur with training. Changing just the connection can have a huge impact on the nature of the exercise. APT explores these connection options and teaches you how to use them for versatility and specificity.
Orientation – The Compass of Human Movement
Your stance, direction, distance and surface all come into play with your orientation to the anchor point. This is how you create useful resistance vectors. A vector is simply a force that has a magnitude and direction. Once we are anchored and connected we have a world of orientation possibilities that will significantly change the nature of the exercise and the results that are achieved. It alters which muscle groups are activated (or the order in which they are activated), what systems are stimulated (i.e. proprioceptive, balance, stability, fascial) and the level of intensity of the movement. APT will teach you how the orientation can enhance your efforts with your clients.
Hear What Leaders Are Saying About Anchor Point Training
Cody Sipe, PhD – “The APT method is such an incredible approach to creating functionally-based exercise movements and the tools are far superior to others I have found in the industry today. We incorporate the APT methods into the Functional Aging Specialist certification program and encourage all of our trainers to learn how to use these tools with their mature clients. The Functional Aging Institute is proud to fully endorse Anchor Point Training.”
Our No risk, No hassle, 60 day, 100% Guarantee Policy.
The Anchor Point Training overview will teach you more useful ways to work with any anchored fitness tool. Whether you are training with bands, straps, ropes, a sled, a landmine or a cable machine you will have a better understanding of the capabilities of anchored resistance tools after you have taken this course.
If you are not 100% satisfied with The Anchor Point Training overview we will refund your purchase 100%, no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be a certified trainer before taking this course?
There are no prerequisites for taking this course but having a training certification will certainly help your understanding of the material.
Is a live workshop required?
While we offer live workshops they are not required to take this course and become certified. If you are interested in hosting a workshop please let us know. We would love to hear from you.
Do I get CEU’s?
Yes, they are available from the following organizations that have been accredited: ACE and National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Do I have to take a test?
Yes, there is an online test consisting of 60 randomized multiple choice questions. You have 60 minutes to complete the test and three attempts to pass with a score of 80% or better. You can take the test whenever you feel like you are ready.
How long is the course?
There are approximately 4 hours of reading and 15 hours of video content in this course.
Is the course mobile friendly?
Yes, the content has been optimized to be viewable on almost any device including laptops, iPads, tablets, iPhones and smart phones.
I now have begun training from the paradigm of utilizing progressive resistance for the benefit of all of my clients.”
Raul Joey Lopez – NASM teacher at California Healing Arts College Ignite Fitness Long Beach, Ca
Phillip Gelinas – Canadian Blackbelt Hall of Fame Gelinas Academy of Mixed Martial Arts, Montreal
Mike Kersten – Fit Body Boot Camp Clovis, Ca
Dar Mallya – Fit2Move, Redondo Beach, Ca.
Greg Justice, MA – AYC Fitness Kansas City , Ks. CEO – National Corporate Fitness Institute
Learning to train with anchored resistance is part of the evolution of training.”
Khaled ELmasri – Founder NORCAL Fitness Summit, Manager Bay Club San Francisco, Ca
Our No risk, No hassle, 60 day, 100% Guarantee Policy.
The Anchor Point Training overview will teach you more useful ways to work with any anchored fitness tool. Whether you are training with bands, straps, ropes, a sled, a landmine or a cable machine you will have a better understanding of the capabilities of anchored resistance tools after you have taken this course.
If you are not 100% satisfied with The Anchor Point Training overview we will refund your purchase 100%, no questions asked.
“Better is Always Possible!”
Chris Severs